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clean seas weeks 2019
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We came, we saw, we delivered…
…a fun filled fortnight of events, activities, walks, talks and displays, celebrating the life and love of our seas and how we keep them clean and safe for people and wildlife.
Our project partners ran a brilliant rage of activities including; Wessex Water dissecting ‘fake fatbergs’, the WI who made sensational string bags…about time they made a comeback. A fish filleting demonstration at Swanage Bay Fish Shop. Eco Crafts, a blitz the Butts day with Litter Free Purbeck.
Dorset Waste Partnership came along with their ‘Tap Water Challenge’, asking visitors if they could tell the difference between ‘tap’ & ‘bottled’ water? And things got even whizzier, when they bought their Smoothie Bike, fitted with special blenders that spun as you pedalled, mixing up delicious fruit smoothies!
The finale of Clean Seas Weeks saw artist Darrell Wakelam make fantastical head dresses and collages at our drop-in workshops to create art inspired by the Story of Chip & Giant Squid by Martin Maudsley, who used the amazing props in a sensational telling of the greasy, oily adventures of a boy called Chip and how he saved the town of Chippage from the fattiest fatberg that ever was!
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